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Full Sail Projects

Blaster Icon - For Website.png

Multiplayer shooter for Steam currently in development using Unreal Engine 5.


Server & Client | 2022

An exercise in computer networking, featuring a server program which can host several client softwares concurrently. Created in C++.


Spinning Cube | 2022

An exploration into 3D computer graphics and rendering. Created from scratch in C++.


Top-down God simulator based on Black & White 2. Created in Unreal Engine 5.


A 3D level renderer with the ability to display several meshes to the screen. Created in C++ using DirectX 12 and a graphics library called Gateware, provided by my professor.

Phaneron | 2021

3D first-person platformer and shooter - with a twist! Created in the Unity Game Engine.


Pathfinding | 2022

A simple program which simulates a few common pathfinding algorithms, mainly A*. Created in C++.


Underwater scene featuring several 3D static and animated objects. Created in C++ using DirectX 11.


Saiph | 2021

Top-down 2D space shooter roguelike game. Initially created by professor in C++, but I added several features to it.

Game of Life.PNG

Conway's Game of Life | 2021

A personal take on John Conway's infamous Game of Life simulation. Created in a Windows Form using C#.

SCAD Projects


Logo | 2020

My personal logo. Created using Adobe Illustrator.


Something Big | 2020

Poster design for the video game Minecraft. Created using Adobe Photoshop.

Akio | 2020

3D character design of Akio, a ninja cat. Created using Super Sculpey and acrylic paint.


Retro | 2020

Imagination of cubic characters occupying a retro, digital space. Created using pastels.


Point of View | 2020

Anakin Skywalker during his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar in the film Revenge of the Sith. Created using Gouache paint.


Sketchbook | 2019-2020

Various drawings made for school or personal projects. Made using pencil and charcoal on paper.

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